
Photography forums:

The RangeFinder Forum : A very cool forum for rangefinder enthusiast and, between, for street photographers. 
APUG: The Analog Photographic Users Group. One of the most or, let's say, the most documented site on analog photography. 100% analog.

Analog documents:

[fr] Document Ilford - Comment traiter un film Noir & Blanc
[fr] Document Ilford - Le tirage Noir et Blanc
[fr] Table de compensation des temps / température développement des films noir et blanc

[en] film developing by Christopher Crawford
[en] Matting & Framing prints by Christopher Crawford

[en] Photographic Memorabilia: A huge ressource of photographic documents related to Ilford, Paterson, Kodak etc...

[en] Developpers recipes: APUG, list of recipes to make your own developpers

[en] Ilford and Kodak ressources: Fantastic compilation of links found over APUG.


Making Kodak Film

Camera repairs: a wonderful collection on classic camera repairs


Rollei 35: Manual of Rollei 35