Friday, June 15, 2012

[fr] Ilford - Le tirage Noir et Blanc

Dear all,
Following my previous post (Ilford - developper un film N&B) here is a new document on how to print in your wet darkroom a B&W enlargement.
Sorry, it is still in french.

Chèrs visiteurs,
Voici la suite de mon post précédent (développer un film N&B). Un document signé Ilford, présentant une métodologie sur le tirage N&B.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

[fr] Document Ilford - Comment traiter un film Noir & Blanc

Dear friends,
Yesterday, i just rediscover 2 documents from my father. They were made by ILFORD on how to develop a b&w negative.

I am sorry but everything's is in French. But, with the drawing, for sure you can understand it easily.

You can download the file here: Comment traiter un film N&B par Ilford

Chers amis,
Voici pour une fois un message en francais sur mon blog. Hier, j'ai pu retrouver par chance deux vieux documents de Ilford sur la photo N&B. Je me suis dis que ce serait intéressant de partager, tout au moins pour le plaisir de la conservation, la curiosité ou bien pour apprendre pour tous ceux qui veulent plonger dans le monde de la photographie argentique.

Vous pouvez télécharger le document en suivant ce lien: Comment traiter un film N&B par Ilford

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Diafine Two-bath developer

Dear friends,

A month ago, i just discover diafine products. As a curious, i decided to give a try. On the paper (o let's say on the web), diafine seems the ideal solution for me. Why ? Just because:

    • I don't shoot so often
    • Nowadays, i essentially do street
    • A roll can stay for two weeks in my camera before to get burned completely
    • Usually during a roll:
      • I will start it in daylight
      • I will want to finish on the streets by night.
    • I have one camera always with me. 

And, so, why diafine ? Diafine is a two bath developer. Bath A and bath B, that's it. From what i have understood, diafine seems very tolerant, and very easy to use. 

So i bought a box, luckily found in one of the last photographic shop of my region which supply darkroom equipment). 

Then, i just give a look on the internet and found some very useful information:
I will be back very soon with my first test. Let's see what will come out of it.

Note: After looking at the box, i realize that i have two containers to make one quart each. So, for people like me, who are not use with quart and others measurements, here it is the conversion :

1 quart = 0.946 Liter

See you soon for the test !

If you know about diafine, you are warmly welcome to get it touch with me.

All the best


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Release of our new website !

Dear friends,

I am very proud to release the opening of our new website. We built it by ourself, it was time for me to dive again in the html ocean. so here it is :)

Come and visit us at

All the best
